Rise pic

Do you agree?

It was 2 years ago today when our Earth experienced the big “Rise of the Consciousness.” I asked my Facebook followers some big questions and I promised to share my answers as well. So here they are!
*And Please feel free to answer all or some of these questions in the comments below. Oh, and add any questions YOU have too!

1. Do you still feel like we are rising?

I feel like we will always be rising, changing and growing because that is our main purpose as souls.
I do feel like Earth is still rising as well. Earth is changing dramatically nowadays! Between the weird weather, like the tornado in LA question mark, question mark! What was that Mother Earth? LA is the city that has perfect weather always, or I guess it used to be? Sighhh, change is tough to deal with but I feel as a human race we are doing VERY well. We always rebuild and bounce back from these tragedies, and for that we should feel proud.

2. Do you still feel like YOU are rising?

Me? Oh yes! I am constantly rising my vibration! My big sign is when I get vertigo lol, that, I have been told by the Angels, is my gift! Gee thanks! Lol…I am actually quite thankful for the vertigo. And I’m even more thankful to now know it is my big sign of my rising vibration. I actually learned that when I woke up with vertigo on my birthday in March last year, 2013, ha! Right after the big Rise! I never actually put that together till just now! Ohhhh those Angels are so tricky!

3. Are you still figuring out our higher vibrating world?

Yes! I am still trying to keep up with all that is happening and trying to educate others too. I don’t watch the news because I just end up crying for the world, for our human race. Instead I send out love and light everyday to those in need. I do wonder about and pray extra hard for those humans that can’t seem to find their way through the Rise yet…People who are just zooming through the roads…Taking others lives through violence…and those simply not caring about everyone or anyone else. Yes, those souls get my extra prayers and healing light.

4. Is it all starting to level off and bring us to peace?

Yes. I was told by the Angels that after we rose, it would take about 5 years to level off and balance out again. So we are only in year 2 of that 5 year message! We shall see what happens in 3 years though.

5. Or are we still in chaos?

Yes, I feel the Earth will, unfortunately, always be in some level of chaos. That’s why God has awakened so many souls! And why there is a new yoga studio, meditation teacher, Reiki circle popping up everywhere! BECAUSE WE NEED IT! The more people we can teach to spread peace, love and light the better I say! That is one of the reasons why I teach people to develop their Spiritual gifts. And I encourage them to go on and do the same.

6. Will we ever have true peace on Earth or is Earth not a place where world peace can be achieved, ever?

True peace on Earth? Wow that is a loaded question huh?! I feel every planet is deserving of peace. Will Earth ever achieve it with the human race on it, now that is the real question. I’ll tell you one thing, we are going to need MANY MORE Spiritual teachers and students to achieve world peace! But if everyone on this planet did just a tiny bit of their own part toward the cause of peace, we could certainly achieve it, eventually.

Please share YOUR feelings in the comments below and thanks for taking the time to read my blog!

    1 Comment

  1. I know I am still rising!!!! When I started working with Elena a few months ago, I felt lost. Elena introduced me to my angels and they are now my best friends; who I call upon daily. I was a little weary of my angels at first until I couldn’t find something in my home. I asked Michael for help and within 5 mins he helped me find what I was looking for. In a few short months with the help of Elena and my angels I have found the job I was looking for allowing me to leave a unhealthy job, I found my soulmate and I realized that I am so connected to universe in many ways. This has helped me raise my self esteem and truly understand what it means to heal and be a healer. I am will continue to rise, grow and learn with the help of my angels and of course Elena.

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