Do you dread this Dentist chair?

Do you dread this Dentist chair?

I would venture a guess and say most of us do not enjoy going to see the dentist. Most of us probably avoid it like the plague and sometimes until it’s too late.
Today I would like to share how I get around the dread & pain, with the hopes of helping YOU! I want you to walk out of there feeling healed instead of feeling hurt!

I realized as I got older my Mother was a Godsend for me. She had all 4 of us kids in that dentist chair every 6 months like clockwork! It was not until I saw how a lot of my friends’ teeth were not as healthy as mine, did I thank her for all her efforts. “No cavities Mom!” I would call to tell her excitedly.
I’m not saying I have not had my share of problems in that chair, oh contraire! I had a pallet expander that expanded my jaw so much that you could fit in an extra big front tooth in my mouth! Can you say painful?! After that lovely experience I had 4 years of braces including a night gear apparatus that was SO uncomfortable to sleep with. Whew! Glad those days are long gone!

But I digress from my original reason I wanted to write this Blog post with my awesome teeth memories…I wanted to encourage you all to try what I do to get through that unpleasant time. I use my spiritual techniques of course!
Here’s a short list of things I do:

1. I breathe my essential oils in and out when I’m in the waiting room preparing myself to be calm and at ease while in the chair. And I bring those deep breathing techniques to the cleaning. Breathing can help you get through SO much.
2. I hold my healing crystals while I’m worked on. My favorites for the dentist are green calcite and amethyst. But I suggest you just look at your crystals and ask which ones will be right for you!
3. Instead of seeing water shoot out of the scrapping tool, I see white light coming out! And as it does it’s healing my teeth not hurting me.
4. And when it’s really bad, I will meditate and see myself in another place, like the beach or the forest. I’m not being tortured in this chair, I’m swimming with the dolphins or running around with the horses.

I know it may sound a bit outlandish to do allllll this for a dentist appointment, but my feeling is why not?! Why not use all the spiritual techniques I have learned to help myself wherever I may be?

Give it a try! Because you know that dreaded visit is coming around again soon. And please let me know if anything works for you in the comments below. Also if you have any other suggestions for us to try! I will gladly share them for all of us to benefit.

Happy Dentist visits of healing, not hurting, to you all <3

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