CHAKRAS: All you need to know!

All the chakras are located in the middle of your body. Chakras are energy centers. Their job is to keep your body centered, aligned, connected and grounded. When the chakras are not balanced, physical problems can manifest quickly.


Example: When you do not love yourself, your heart chakra is compromised and you can get breast cancer. Elena believes cancer is just a physical form of negativity that eventually eats your body. Keep your chakras BALANCED and never have any problems!


First Chakra:Base/Root Chakra
Color: RED
Location: base of spine or perineum
For: Self-Awareness

Qualities related to: survival, stability, courage, strength & security. Knowing what you need as a human to survive in your place on Earth.*The base is the most male chakra of all & a VERY human chakra; as opposed to the crown chakra which is very spiritual.**The chakras go from the base to the crown: male, female, male, female, etc.***The lower chakras (base, sacral, solar plexus) are human. The higher chakras (throat, third eye, crown) are spiritual. The heart is both.*There are always positive & open…and negative & closed aspects of each chakra

• Positive aspects: (you will feel like) leader, confident, energetic
• Negative aspects: defensive, insecure, aggressive
• Physical problems associated: constipation, diarrhea, kidney stones, hips, legs, feet

Crystals to pair with for healing: JASPER, Garnet, Black Tourmaline

*The crystal in capital letters is the one Elena chooses to pair with chakra healings.

Essential Oils to pair with for Spiritual healing: Basil, Cedarwood, Cilantro, Myrrh, Patchouli, Vetiver, Siberian Fir


Second Chakra: Sacral Chakra
Location: 2 inches below belly button
For: Self-Respect

Qualities related to: creativity, sensuality, respecting yours & others boundaries, vitality. This is where all the energy of your relationships is stored; positive & negative. Also, where you store all the energy of how you think others are thinking of you. A balanced orange chakra is when you don’t care about what others may think of you; you just know how you feel about you.

*This is the most female chakra of all.

• Positive aspects: joyous, creative, independent
• Negative aspects: pride that feeds the ego, despondency, unsociable
• Physical problems associated: PMS, menstruation flow, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, prostate disease

Crystals to pair with for healing: CARNELIAN, Orange Calcite, Moonstone

Essential Oils to pair with for Spiritual healing: Black Pepper, Cinnamon, Cypress, Tangerine, Wild Orange


Third Chakra: Solar Plexus Chakra
Location: Solar Plexus (under breast bone)
For: Self-Worth

Qualities related to: who you are, your personality, ego, intellect, self-confidence, courage & strength.

*Elena always says, “Knowing who you are, and knowing it’s ok to be exactly who you are!”

• Positive aspects: confident, logical, good-humored, wise, open minded
• Negative aspects: vindictive, cowardly, devious, look for flattery but you feel inferior
• Physical problems associated: diabetes, liver disease, gall bladder

Crystals to pair with healing: CITRINE, Tiger’s Eye, Sunstone

Essential Oils to pair with for Spiritual healingBergamot, Cassia, Clove, Coriander, Fennel, Ginger, Grapefruit, Juniper Berry, Wintergreen


Fourth Chakra: Heart Chakra
Color: GREEN
Location: middle of chest
For: Self-Love

Qualities related to: loving yourself. Elena channelled the meaning of self-love from the Angels: “Loving yourself, honoring yourself, being kind to yourself, going easy on yourself, trusting yourself, believing in yourself.” That is what self-love is!

*Elena’s teacher gave her a great exercise: To help truly love yourself: Look in the mirror everyday and say “I love you.” The day you don’t laugh, cry or snicker; is the day you have started to love yourself truly. (It took Elena months of looking in the mirror! And one day it felt different. That was the day Elena started to love herself truly.)

**The secondary color to the heart chakra is PINK for Unconditional Love. (Elena teaches this secondary color because it is given often in the meditations she channels from the Angels.)

• Positive aspects: generous, understanding, harmonious
• Negative aspects: jealous, indifferent, lack of consideration, obtain money in a negative way
• Physical problems associated: heart disease, AIDS, immune system, allergies, breast cancer

Crystals to pair with healing: BLOODSTONE, Rose Quartz, Aventurine

Essential Oils to pair with for Spiritual healing: Cardamom, Eucalyptus, Geranium, Lime, Marjoram, Melaleuca, Peppermint, Roman Chamomile, Rose, Thyme, Ylang Ylang


Fifth Chakra: Throat Chakra
Color: BLUE
Location: Center of Throat
For: Self-Expression

Qualities related to: Communication, communicate how you feel, articulate what you need & speak your truth.

Elena says, “Always speak your truth from place of unconditional love!”

*Elena gives a great exercise: “Instead of black words coming out of your mouth; make them pink.” Those are words of unconditional love. Use the pink words and watch how people & situations change before your eyes!

• Positive aspects: loyal, tactful, trustworthy, peaceful
• Negative aspects: unfaithful, untrustworthy, self-righteous, cold
• Physical problems associated: thyroid, anorexia, asthma, bronchitis, hearing problems, sore throat, upper digestive tract, mouth ulcers

Crystals to pair with healing: BLUE LACE AGATE, Sodalite, Lapis

*Any blue crystal will help to heal your throat.

Essential Oils to pair with for Spiritual healing: Birch, Lavender, Spearmint, Oregano


Sixth Chakra: Third Eye/Brow Chakra
Color: PURPLE (some people teach as indigo)
Location:  Third eye (the soft spot between the bone of the brow & the bone of the forehead)
For: Self-Responsibility

Qualities related to: this is the “all seeing, all knowing, psychic chakra.” Your intuition & your soul’s path lies here.

*Elena says, “Seeing life from a higher viewpoint & not from ego/human satisfaction.”

**Where clairvoyance comes from.

• Positive aspects: highly intuitive, fearless, articulate, faithful
• Negative aspects: fearful, intolerant, inconsiderate, depressed easily, impractical, judgmental
• Physical problems associated: tension headache, migraines, short & long sightedness, glaucoma, sinus problems, ear problems

Crystals to pair with healing: AMETHYST, Sugilite, Charoite

Essential Oils to pair with for Spiritual healing: Clary Sage, Frankincense, Lemongrass


Seventh Chakra: Crown Chakra
Color: WHITE (some people teach as purple)
Location:  a big ball of white light that grazes the top of the forehead and sits on top of the head

*This is the only chakra that is inside and outside of your body. It is always open, but it must be balanced!

For: Spiritual Awareness and Self-Knowledge

Qualities related to: connects you to all spiritual beings (Angels, spirit guides, God, ascended masters, crossed-over loved ones, fairies, Saints etc.)

• Positive aspects: reverence for all life, humanitarian, great mental power, outstanding in your chosen job
• Negative & too open aspects: feeling superior, fanatics, no concern for others, lack of content with reality, probably practicing black magic
• Physical problems associated: depression, schizophrenia, epilepsy, Alzheimer’s, confusion, dizziness

Crystals to pair with healing: CLEAR QUARTZ, Danburite, Selenite

Essential Oils to pair with for Spiritual healing: Frankincense, Helichrysum, Lemon, Melissa, Roman Chamomile, Rosemary, Sandalwood


*The other chakras Elena teaches are located above the crown and float over your head. She adds these chakras to the list because they relate to the colors the Angels give in meditations she channels.*

Chakra above crown: GOLD
For: Strength, Power, Motivation, Determination, Abundance, Success

Chakra above gold: SILVER
For: The connection to your Higher Self.

*Elena says, “Your higher self is the best aspects of who you are, you on your very best day!

**God told Elena, He wants us to be our higher self, everyday! Strive to do this and you will be at ultimate peace and happiness daily.

When you are healing your chakras with crystals & oils. Always place a grounding stone at your feet & rub an oil on your feet. Elena likes to use the HEMATITE crystal and BALANCE essential oil blend, but she will also use Black Tourmaline and other grounding oils to ground people.