Information on SOME of the Services Elena Provides


Angel Card Reading: I use my Psychic Medium gifts to give you beautiful, loving, positive messages from the Angels.
In person, I start with smudging, aromatherapy with essential oils, grounding and then into the card reading. This reading will help guide you to your next positive step through your life’s journey by helping you work through and understand what your Angels need you to hear. I work with the Highest White Light to give you answers.

If you have chosen My full 2 hour “Angel Card Experience” after your card reading, we will ask the Angels what you need further. This could be a Reiki Healing, Reiki Healing Attunement (removing one issue you are having trouble with) or a channeled meditation. The meditation could be a cord-cutting, a mind clearing, a protection lesson or whatever the Angels tell us you need! I have tons of meditations to choose from and I am channeling new ones all the time.

Intuitive Discovery Session: This is a private session, just me and you working on YOU and what you need to heal, grow, learn and release…oh and the Angels are there too of course! I have seen lives change with these weekly sessions. My students go from lost, frustrated & confused to blossoming into natural psychics without even trying! We work through Guided Meditations that I channel, sometimes right on the spot, with the intention of healing you, helping you receive your own messages and bringing you a sense of peace. Each session I will also channel a specific message for you.

Every time you meditate it is a healing. So why not give yourself a gift and learn how to meditate today?

Angel Card Party: Elena comes to your home or office and throws a party! Gather 4 or more of your friends for a great time with the Angels! Every party includes a group smudging, guided group meditation with aromatherapy, private psychic medium, Angel Card Readings and a group closing. It’s a great addition to any occasion (shower, birthday, baptism) or an excuse to throw a fabulous party! Book this fun & healing event with your Angels!
**All parties are a minimum of 2 hours.

“Your Past Life Experience”: In person I start with smudging, aromatherapy with essential oils & grounding. I will lay you down on my healing table and place many crystals around you to facilitate your experience & deeply heal you. I will then lead you through a beautiful meditation where you access the Akashic Record Hall & meet 3 Archangels. In the past life you choose to see, you will understand why you need to experience THAT particular life. Ultimately to learn a lesson to help you NOW in your current life. As we unfold your past life through a series of questions and answers, I will write down everything you say while in meditation so you may take the experience home as a record for your journey. (The ability to see your meditation is a pre-requisite. This is for YOUR benefit! We will discuss this further upon your booking.)

“Reiki Healing with Angels, Oils & Crystals”: Reiki means, healing energy from the Universe. I will channel that energy to heal you. I will use essential oils to unblock your energy with their amazing powers. I will place crystals around you to give you many special gifts, such as, break up blockages, give you unconditional love, ground you, take away anger and much more. I always ask the Angels for their loving assistance.

Reiki Healing Attunement: I will use my Master Reiki skills to extract (take away) ONE ISSUE you have been having trouble with. You can choose a very easy, superficial issue; or a deeper, more difficult issue. The choice is yours and you do NOT have to share your issue with me. (Can be included in My full 2 hour “Angel Card Experience”).

Space Clearing: Ever feel uneasy in your own space? Do you feel you have a ghost trapped in your space? That is a sign the energy needs to be cleared! I will join you at your home or office with all the tools you need to clear your space and help it to have happy & loving energy again! I will begin with a quick meditation to ground & open you. Then we will travel around your space, top to bottom, using white sage to clear the energy out and salt to keep the protection in. Your space will feel amazing after a clearing! And I will even teach you how to keep it up so that beautiful energy remains forever. And if there is a ghost or 2, we will send them home to Heaven with the assistance of Archangel Michael. I specialize in this technique & I am excited to share my gifts with you and your space.

Chakra Cleansing: CHAKRA=Energy centers in your body. I will guide you through a meditation while teaching you about where the 7 main Chakras are and what their specific job is. I will help you see the colors of each chakra and you will watch them open, clear and balance. It is always a wonderful feeling to have your chakras cleaned and balanced. I recommend a DAILY Chakra clearing.

Angel Chakra Healing: This is a meditation I channeled from the Angels to help heal your chakras. Basically the Angels do the work for you! They beam their beautiful energy into each of your chakras draining away negativity, opening, balancing, centering, aligning and recharging them. You will also receive a channeled message from your Angels and feel amazing afterwards!

Energy Cord Cutting with the Archangels: I will guide you through a meditation where you will cut all the negative energy cords attached to your body and soul. Each time we meet a person an energy cord is formed; some positive, some negative. The negative cords must be cut in order for you to center and heal your own energy. You do NOT want people stealing your energy, EVER! In this meditation, I will have Archangel Michael assist you with your cord cutting. Then the other 3 main Archangels (Raphael, Uriel, Gabriel) will join Michael in healing you. This is a beautiful healing experience for you AND for the people who are attached to your negative cords…they will feel the healing in their subconscious and their soul will thank you!!

Crystal Learning: I will teach you about crystals and pair their special properties with a guided meditation tailored specially for your needs! I will teach you how to feel the energy of the crystals, what they can be used for and how they can help change your life.

Connections Center Online: Every last Thursday of the month at 8pm on Zoom! 

Learn how to spiritually heal and develop your intuition in a comfortable group setting filled with “like minded” people, such as yourself, all striving towards the same goal…Enlightenment. This is a beautiful 1 hour group meditation session on Zoom. You will learn all the secrets of spiritually healing yourself. We will cover chakras, auras, cord-cutting, protection, balance, Angels, crystals, spirit guides, pendulums, animal spirit guides and a whole lot more! 

If there is a majority need for a different time or more sessions, we will adjust this schedule when we need to. Click here for more info!

AND SO MUCH MORE! Tell Elena what you need & she will find a way to HEAL & GUIDE YOU!