One of my FAVE healer crystals is ARAGONITE! I use them all the time when clearing out blockages for my clients. I even use it on my own body when I need to clear a block! Have you felt the fantastic energy of Aragonite yet? Isn’t it gorgeous?!


Here’s some more detailed info:

Aragonite (Small Brown Starburst Looking Chunks)
Attributes: grounding, earth-healer, centering, patience, acceptance, discipline, concentration, brings flexibility and tolerance to the mind, combats anger and emotional stress, provides strength and support, feeling of comfort with one’s body, prepares for meditation by raising vibrations to a high spiritual level, breaks up blockages
Healing: brings energy through the body, heals bones, aids calcium absorption, restores elasticity to discs, stops night twitching and spasms, strengthens the immune system, combats disease and nervous twitching caused by inner unrest


Would you like more info on Crystals? Then click here and have fun learning!