You will need dried white sage, salt and wonderful intentions for your space. The salt can be any kind you have because it’s the intention that matters most.

Smudging with dried white sage releases the negativity & bacteria out of your space. And salt keeps the protection in.
You can also smudge & salt your entire property. But it may not be necessary if it feels good to you.

I suggest you smudge every so often. When you feel it’s needed or every few months perhaps. If there’s ghost activity or just a very negative heavy feeling, then I would suggest once per week until it feels better. The salting is up to you. But a good trick I want to share with you is, sprinkle salt outside your door when you have people visiting that may be negative. They must leave their negativity outside once they cross the salt.

First open all of your windows and your doors in each room even just a crack. You need to release the negativity out, so if you keep everything closed in, the negativity will go back to where it was and what’s the point of that?

Next light your sage either on your stick or in your bowl or shell and blow out the fire. What you need to have is the smoke to smudge. If you are using a smudge stick, also go around with a fireproof bowl to catch the ashes.

Negativity likes to hide in the corners, door frames & windowsills. So make sure the smoke is blowing there. I like to start in the in the basement of a home and work my way up to the top floor or attic. That way the energy goes up and out!

Start at one place in the room and walk around while the smoke is blowing and say the best intentions or prayers for your space. Ask the negativity to leave and only be replaced by peace, love, light, joy, strength, etc. Pray to the Angels, your loved ones in Heaven, God, your Spirit Guides or just the Universe. Whatever feels right to you. Ask for what you want & need for your space the entire time you are smudging. Your intentions are what will allow the negativity to release. So make them clear!

After you are finished with smudging the entire space, top to bottom, take a bowl of salt and sprinkle a tiny bit all over. Remembering the corners, door frames & windowsills! As you sprinkle you are asking for the protection to stay in. And when you vacuum, a day or so later, have the intention that the salt energy is remaining.

And that’s it! Pretty easy right? And once you get the hang of it you will be a pro in no time!

Enjoy yourself! And especially enjoy the new energy of your beautiful space!

***If you feel you have a ghost, ask me for extra help!

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask me in an email to: