How to Activate Your New Crystal!

Remember, always have the best of intentions in you heart while you clear and activate any crystal! First you MUST clear your crystal with running water, salt water, smudging with sage or a full cycle of sun or moonlight. Whatever feels best to you. Then you hold the crystal and fill it with your energy and say the following aloud,

“I dedicate this crystal to the Universe. I dedicate this crystal to me (or the person you are giving it to). I dedicate this crystal to…doing what you want it to do for you. (Ex. Rose Quartz is for Unconditional Love: I dedicate this crystal to bringing unconditional love into my life.) I dedicate this crystal to me (or the person you are giving it to).”

This crystal is now YOURS! And you should not let anyone else touch it. If that happens, put your own energy back into the crystal and follow the steps again. Enjoy your new crystal and may it bring you exactly what you need!!!


Information on Items

– Crystals are in the RAW (rough) or TUMBLED (smooth)
– There is NO DIFFERENCE between the two!

What matters most is the INTENTION that is placed on them when Activating the stones.

AGATE (Slices that look like glass, many colors)
Attributes: Grounding, balance, harmonizes yin and yang, soothes and calms, brings hidden information to light, builds self-confidence, helps with concentration, encourages speaking your truth, heals anger, good for emotional trauma, enhances spiritual growth and inner stability
Healing: Stabilizes the aura, cleanses and heals all body parts, strengthens blood vessels, heals skin disorders

Blue Lace Agate (Light Blue Tumbled)
Attributes: Wonderful healing stone, cooling, calming, brings peace of mind, heals throat chakra to the highest spiritual truths, nurturing & supportive, neutralize anger, infection, inflammation, fever, combats judgment & rejection, helpful for men to release sensitivity, assists with verbal expression, counteracts mental stress,
Healing: Throat healer, releases shoulder & neck problems, thyroid, throat and lymph infections, lowers fever, removes blockages of the nervous system, arthritis, capillaries, pancreas, sound healing

Third Eye Agate/Shiva Eye Agate (Looks Like an Eye Tumbled)
Attributes: Provides protection against evil, enhances psychic abilities, intuition, extrasensory perception, imagination and concentration, helps to gain inspiration from and connect with spirits, transforms and eliminates negativity
Healing: Strengthens the sight, promotes marital fidelity, stabilizes the aura, stimulates analytical growth, clarity in times of stress

Amethyst (Light Purple Tumbled & Pendulum & Angel & bracelet &tree)
Attributes: strong healing and cleansing powers, enhances spiritual awareness, helps to focus, clams, enhances memory, promotes love of the divine, opens intuition and enhances psychic gifts, good for meditation and scrying, cleanses the aura, balances and connects the physical, mental and emotional bodies, linking them to the spiritual
Healing: Strengthens immune system, eases headaches, releases tension, treats insomnia and brings a restful sleep

Apophyllite “The Reiki Crystal”
Attributes: a very efficient conductor of energy, powerful vibrational transmitter, creates a conscious connection between the physical and spiritual realms, stimulates intuition, enables the future to be accessed, excellent for scrying, corrects behavioral imbalances and flaws, brings your true self to the surface, grounds the spirit, calms, relives stress, releases mental blockages and negative thought patterns, enhances universal love, attunes the mind to the spirit, releases suppressed emotions, overcomes anxiety, worries and fears, facilitates out-of-body journeys, eases journeys into past lives
Healing: great for the respiratory system, can stop asthma attacks when held to the chest, neutralizes allergies, will rejuvenate the eyes when placed on them, helps the spirit to come to terms being in its physical body

Reiki Healing: regarded as the stone par excellence to assist in Reiki healing, takes the patient into a deeper state of relaxation and receptiveness, takes the practitioner out of the way so that the transmission of healing energy to the patient is more pure

Aragonite (Small Brown Starburst Looking Chunks)
Attributes: grounding, earth-healer, centering, patience, acceptance, discipline, concentration, brings flexibility and tolerance to the mind, combats anger and emotional stress, provides strength and support, feeling of comfort with one’s body, prepares for meditation by raising vibrations to a high spiritual level, breaks up blockages
Healing: brings energy through the body, heals bones, aids calcium absorption, restores elasticity to discs, stops night twitching and spasms, strengthens the immune system, combats disease and nervous twitching caused by inner unrest

Aventurine (Green with Gold Flecks Tree)
Attributes: stone of prosperity, comforts, harmonizes, absorbs electromagnetic smog, diffuses negative situations and turns them around, reinforces leadership qualities and decisiveness, compassion, empathy, perseverance, relieves stammers, perception, creativity, brings together the intellectual and emotional bodies, calms anger & irritation, promotes a feeling of well-being, balances male & female energies, protects heart chakra
Healing: thymus gland, nervous system, balances blood pressure, stimulates metabolism, lowers cholesterol, prevents heart attacks, anti-inflammatory, allergies, migraines, nausea, eyes, lungs, sinuses, heart
***Use with Citrine to bring in wealth, especially for merchants’ cash registers!***

Black Tourmaline (Blackish Gray Raw)
Attributes: Protection against; psychic attacks, psychic vampires, ill-wishing, spells, radiation, cell phones, electromagnetic smog and negative energies of all kinds, connects with the base chakra, grounding, promotes a laid back attitude and objective neutrality with clear and rational thought, encourages a positive attitude, stimulates creativity, promotes self-confidence, diminishes fear
Healing: Increases physical vitality, disperses tension and stress, draws off negative energy from the body, defends against debilitating disease, strengthens immune system, treats dyslexia and arthritis, provides pain relief, realigns the spinal column, balances the right and left brain

Bloodstone (Pendulum Red and Green)
Attributes: Banishes evil and negativity, intuition, creativity, grounding, protecting, stimulates dreaming, revitalizes the mind in mental exhaustion, courage, selflessness, staying in the present moment, calms and clears the mind, helps you make decisions, reduces irritability, aggressiveness and impatience, brings spirituality into everyday life
Healing: Blood and energy cleanser, immune stimulator, detoxifies liver, intestines, kidney, spleen and bladder, aids circulation, great for leukemia, can shrink tumors

Blue Kyanite (Slates of Blue Raw)
Attributes: Excellent for attunement & meditation, tranquilizing, amplifies high energies, stimulates psychic abilities & intuition, connects to Spirit Guides, compassion, grounds spiritual vibrations, dream recall & promotes healing dreams, helpful for those transitioning to death, aligns chakras, speaking your truth, cuts through fears & blockages, opens throat chakra, encourages communication, slices through anger, confusion, blockases, illusion, anger, frustration, stress, balances the past, balances yin & yang
Healing: muscular disorders, fevers, thyroid, throat, larynx, brain, pain reliever, lowers blood pressure, heals infections, weight loss, strengthens voice.
***Great for public speakers & performers!***

Calcite (Blue, Orange & Green)
Attributes: A powerful amplifier and cleanser of energy, cleans negative energy out of a room, removes stagnant energy in your body, speeds up the development of growth, opens psychic abilities, channeling, out-of-body journeys and higher awareness, helps people who have lost hope or motivation, combats laziness, calms the mind boosts memory, changes ideas into action, useful for studying, alleviates emotional stress and replaces it with serenity, enhances self-trust, helps overcome setbacks
Healing: Cleanses organs of elimination, encourages calcium uptakes in bones, strengthens the skeleton and joints, alleviates intestinal and skin conditions, stimulates blood clotting and tissue healing, fortifies the immune system, encourages growth for children, alleviates arthritis, muscle and bone pains

Carnelian (Bracelets, Tree)
Attributes: grounds and anchors you to the present reality, restores vitality, motivation and creativity, useful for performers, cleanses other stones, removes fear of death, gives courage, promotes positive life choices, motivates for success, helps to overcome abuse, helps your trust yourself and clarify your perceptions, tunes in daydreamers to reality, aids in meditation to keep focus, dispels mental lethargy, protects against yours and others envy, rage and resentment, clams anger & banishes emotional negativity replacing it with a love of life
Healing: stimulates the metabolism, activates the base chakra, influences the female reproductive organs, increases fertility, overcomes frigidity, impotence and heals lower back problems, rheumatism, arthritis, neuralgia and depression, regulates bodily fluids and the kidneys, accelerates healing bones and ligaments, improves absorption of vitamins and minerals, ensures a good blood supply to organs and tissues
***Place by your front door to protect and invite abundance into your home!***

Celestite (Blue Druzes)
Attributes: with a high vibration it is a teacher for the New Age, contacts the Angelic realms, jump-starts spiritual development, enlightens, stimulates clairvoyance, dream recall, out-of-body journeys, promotes purity of the heart, attracts good fortune, heals aura, reveals the truth, balance, alignment, assists in conflict resolutions, maintains harmony in stressful situations, opens a space for peaceful negotiations, creativity, useful for the arts, strength, inner peace, trust in the wisdom of the divine, calming, cools fiery emotions, sharpens the mind, disperses worry, mental clarity & balance, heals throat chakra
Healing: dissolves pain and brings in love, eyes, ears, eliminates toxins, muscle tension, calms mental torment, heals throat

Citrine (Orange Large Chunks Raw & Bracelet)
Attributes: Powerful cleanser and re-generator, balancing, energizing, concentration, self-confidence, joy, creativity, protects aura, cleanses chakras, opens intuition, helps to manifest wealth and success, smooths group or family troubles, helps one to go with the flow, overcomes depression and fears, helps you speak your truth, stops anger
Healing: stimulates digestion, spleen and pancreas, negates infection in the bladder and kidney, helps eye problems, increases circulation, balances thyroid, relieves constipation and removes cellulite, helpful for PMS and menopausal symptoms, balances hormones, alleviates fatigue
***Place in the farthest back left corner of your home to bring wealth into your life!***
***Never needs cleansing only recharging***

Flourite (Tumbled, Wands, Ornaments)
Attributes: calming, highly protective especially on a psychic level, balancing, cleanses and stabilizes aura, very effective against computer and electromagnetic stress, draws off negative energies, helps you overcome disorganization, heightens intuitive powers, mind focus, self-confidence, quick thinking promoter
Healing: powerful against infections, colds, flu, sinusitis, viruses, shingles and disorders, benefits teeth, cells, bones and DNA damage, heals ulcers, skin and wounds, alleviates arthritis, spinal injuries, pains, rekindles sexual libido

Goldstone (Tumbled, Necklaces)
Attributes: a Master Healer, stabilizes emotions, aids in calmness, deflects unwanted energies, protects, aids in attaining goals, helps to send healing energy from the heart, throat and third eye chakras, increases healing energy from the hands, used for long distance healing allowing an increased flow of energy to channel through the sender
Healing: increases blood flow, reduces inflammation, strengthens circulatory system, bones and eases arthritis pain, reduces stomach tensions
***Place in your home or work place to calm and bring a sense of well being!***
***Great for Long Distance Healers!***

Hematite (Silvery Tumbled & Bracelet & Ring) ***bracelet & ring are MAGNETIC=NO PACEMAKERS***

Attributes: grounding, protecting, concentration, focus, self-esteem, willpower, harmonizes energy, use for out-of-body journey, dissolves negativity, protects aura, supports timid women,
Healing: used to treat smoking, overeating and all other indulgences, great to heal blood supply, stimulates the absorption of iron, treats leg cramps, anxiety and insomnia, aids spinal alignment and fractures
***Beneficial for legal situations, math study!***

Jasper (Tumbled Multi-Color Red, Blue, Green, Hearts)
Attributes: the “supreme nurturer”, protection, balancing, determination, honesty with yourself, grounding, sustains and supports in times of stress, tranquility, wholeness, unifies all aspects of your life, reminds people to help each other, aligns the chakras and aura, facilitates shamanic journey and dream recall, aids quick thinking, helps to organize, transforms ideas into action, absorbs negative energy
Healing: prolongs sexual pleasure, re-energizes the body, supports during prolonged illness or hospitalization, supports circulatory, digestive and sexual organs, balances mineral content of body

Lapis (Blue & White with Gold Flecks Tumbled)
Attributes: opens third eye, balances throat chakra, stimulates enlightenment, enhances dream work & psychic abilities, stimulates personal & spiritual power, releases stress, brings deep peace, serenity, key to spiritual attainment, protects, contacts Spirit Guides, reverses curses and disease, combats depression & lack of purpose, deep inner self-knowledge, encourages taking charge of your life, inner truth, self-awareness, self-expression, honesty, compassion, stimulates mind clarity, creativity, harmonizes conflict, teaches active listening, bonds relationships of love & friendship
Healing: alleviates pain, insomnia, vertigo, & migraines, overcomes depression, respiratory, immune & nervous system, throat, larynx, thyroid, organs, bone marrow, hearing loss, purifies blood, lowers blood pressure

Malachite (Small Bowls)
Attributes: grounds spiritual energies onto the planet, protects, guards against radiation, heals earth energies, amplifies positive & negative energies, clears & activates the chakras, on the solar plexus for deep emotional healing & absorbing negative emotions, on the third eye it activates visualization & psychic vision, on the heart it brings balance & harmony, opens the heart to unconditional love, scrying, access other worlds, messages from the subconscious & the future, stone of transformation, encourages risk-taking & change, shows what is blocking your spiritual growth, alleviates shyness, supports friendships, combats dyslexia, mental issues & psychiatric illness
Healing: cramps, facilitates childbirth, treats sexual disease, lowers blood pressure, asthma, arthritis, epilepsy, fractures, swollen joints, growths, travel sickness, vertigo, tumors eyes, pancreas, spleen, enhances immune system, liver, treats diabetes
***Place in the home if you live near a nuclear or natural radiation source!***

Moonstone (Shiva Lingham & Tumbled)
Attributes: stone of new beginnings, connected to moon, promotes intuition & empathy, calms emotions & stress, lucid dreaming, enhance psychic abilities, develop clairvoyance, balances female & male energies, great for aggressive people who need calming, opens the mind to serendipity & synchronicity
Healing: disorders of the upper digestive tract that relate to emotional stress, calm hyperactive children, good for menstruation & promoting pregnancy, childbirth & breastfeeding, treats insomnia & sleepwalking

Onyx (Tall Statues)
Attributes:: Supports in times of confusion, mental & physical stress, balances yin & yang, centers energy aligning it with a higher power accessing higher guidance, helps to you to become the master of your destiny, promotes vigor, steadfastness, stamina, learning lessons, self-confidence, self-control, be at ease in your surroundings, useful in past-life healing work for healing old injuries and physical trauma that are affecting the present life, heals old grief and sorrows, great for flighty people to ground
Healing: teeth, bones, bone marrow, blood disorders, feet

Quartz (Clear Tumbled & Angel & White Raw & Tree)
Attributes: powerful healing and energy amplifier, unblocking energy, acts as a deep soul cleanser, raises the energy to the highest possible level, enhances psychic abilities, attunes you to your spiritual purpose, used in meditation to filter out distractions, aids in concentration, unlocks memories, harmonizes all the chakras, aligns the body.
Healing: master healer, can be used for any condition, stimulates the immune system, helps bring the body into balance, soothes burns
***Can be dedicated to do ANYTHING YOU NEED!***

Green Quartz (Green Candle Holders Raw)
Attributes: aids in self-love, opens heart chakra, transmutes negative energy, inspires creativity, heals
Healing: balances the endocrine system

Rose Quartz (Pink Tumbled & Raw & Hearts & Candle Holder & Pendulum, Necklace)
Attributes: stone of unconditional love and infinite peace, purifies and opens the heart, brings deep inner healing and self-love, replaces negativity with loving energy, strengthens empathy, good for a mid-life crisis, enhances positive affirmations, comforts grief of lost love, encourages self-forgiveness, self-love, acceptance, self-trust and self-worth.
Healing: strengthens the heart, aids in chest and lung problems, heals kidneys and adrenals, increases fertility, soothes burns and blistering, helpful in Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and dementia.
**Place by your bed or in the relationship corner of your home it will draw love into your life!**

Selenite (White Hearts)
Attributes: clarity of the mind, peace, scrying, great for meditation or spiritual work, opens crown and higher crown chakras to access Angelic guidance, use as a protective grid around a home, a Selenite wand can be used to detach entities from the aura, helps obtain info about our present, past and in between-life, pinpoints lessons and how to overcome them, stabilizes erratic emotions
Healing: aligns the spine, flexibility, guards against epileptic seizures, neutralizes mercury poisoning, great for breast feeding

Shiva Lingham (Brown and Cream Oval Tumbled)
Attributes: revered by Hindus as the embodiment of Lord Shiva, balances male and female energies, aids in fertility, creativity, charges the chakra system, enhances inner transformation, breaks up old patterns and opens the path for a new life, helps one to feel unity even in times of separation, purifies your home.
Healing: boosts vitality, treats impotence and infertility

Soapstone (Trinket Boxes, Pig & Angel Figures)
Attributes: calming, positive energies, helps to go through changes, prepares you for anything, allows thoughts & ideas to broaden, open & develop, opens pathways to different realms for sending & receiving, helps to give up old patterns & pathways to create loving environments, go with the flow, assists with new situations, embark on new adventures & challenges, brings peace
Healing: treatment of fat digestion, liver, gall bladder, apply grounded to skin as a treatment for red patches, itchy skin, acne, sunburn and skin allergies, prevents sweaty hands
***Awesome for new College Students!***

Snowflake Obsidian (Tumbled, Hearts)
Attributes: on sacral chakra to calm & soothe, teaches to value mistakes & success, purity, balance body, mind & spirit, recognize & release wrong thinking & stressful mental patterns, inner centering, isolation & loneliness becomes empowering, aids in meditation
Healing: veins, skeleton, circulation, skin, eyes

Blue Tiger’s Eye (Blue with Swirls Tumbled)
Attributes: calming, releases stress, enhances psychic abilities, balances lower chakras, protection, assists in accomplishing goals, clarity of intention, great for spaced out or uncommitted people, helps to make you aware of your need vs. want, resolves dilemmas and conflicts, heals self-worth, unblocks creativity, helps you to recognize talents and faults, assists in change
Healing: aids the overanxious, quick-tempered and phobic, slows the metabolism cools an overactive sex drive dissolves sexual frustration

Tiger’s Eye (Pendulum & Bracelet with Gold and Brown Swirls)
Attributes: enhances psychic abilities, balances lower chakras, protection, assists in accomplishing goals, clarity of intention, great for spaced out or uncommitted people, helps to make you aware of your need vs. want, resolves dilemmas and conflicts, heals self-worth, unblocks creativity, helps you to recognize talents and faults, assists in change
Healing: heals mental disease and personality disorders, alleviates depression and lifts moods, treats the eyes and aids in night vision, heals the throat and reproductive organs, helpful to repair broken bones

Vanadanite (Coral/Shell Looking)
Attributes: helps you accept your physicality, grounds the soul into the physical body and assists it in being comfortable on earth, helps you conserve physical energy, shuts off “mind chatter” to help define and pursue goals, allows insight and rational thought to combine in an inner voice of guidance, opens your body to receiving universal energy, aligns chakras, brings the higher self into the physical body, gives deep inner peace, helps to curb overspending,
Healing: helpful with breathing difficulties such as asthma and congested lungs, facilitates the practice of circular breathing, treats chronic exhaustion and bladder problems.
***Place in the wealth corner of your home or in your purse to help retain money!***